Special status awarded to Wellybobs Nursery

January 27, 2023

Wellybobs Day Nursery in Howden is the very first setting in the area to achieve the Makaton Friendly Silver Status.

Makaton is a unique language programme that uses speech, signs and symbols to enable people to communicate. It supports the development of essential communication skills such as attention and listening, comprehension, memory, recall and organisation of language and expression, and its signs and symbols are standardised across the country. 16 members of the team at Wellybobs have completed the Makaton level 1 and 2 training, with over half of these staff going further and completing the more advanced higher levels three and four.

The Makaton Friendly Silver status has been recommended by speech and language therapist and regional Makaton tutor Sara Winfield, and has been recognised by the Makaton Charity. Wellybobs now have their very own Makaton Champion and Communication Lead, Hollie Hudson. Hollie is helping all the team members and children daily, keeping up with signs that the children are taking home and teaching their parents. She is also adding signing videos to the Wellybobs Facebook page every Monday.

Some of the team at Wellybobs and their Makaton certificates. (19-01-01 SU)

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